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Script Implementation through GTM for DIRS 21

​3 min read. If you are using DIRS 21 as a booking engine this is how you can implement your Hotelchamp booking engine scripts through GTM.

Amber van der Neut avatar
Written by Amber van der Neut
Updated over a year ago
  1. Login to your GTM account

  2. Click on Add a new tag

   3. You should see the page below. Give the name: Hotelchamp BE Script

4. Under Tag Configuration, choose Custom HTML and paste in your Hotelchamp script. This is the second script that you see under your profile in the platform. Find your scripts here.

5. To select a Trigger, click on Triggering and on the new page click on the plus icon to add a new trigger

  6. Give a name to Trigger as BookingEnginePages and select Trigger Type as Page View

   7.  Select Some Page Views and type in "dirs21" as below.

  8. Save this and now it's time to select an Exception. Click on Add Exception.

  9. Create a new trigger and give it a name as Confirmation Page. Select trigger type as Element Visibility. Now, make a test booking and find an element (ID) on the confirmation page of your booking engine that is unique to the page. More information on how to find and test a unique element can be found in this Help Centre article.

  10. Once you found a unique element (ID), copy and paste the Element ID into the Confirmation Page Trigger as shown below. It is important that the settings of this trigger are selected exactly like in the example below, only the unique Element ID changes.

  10. Save it as below and it's done!

Then to implement the Confirmation Page Script:

  1. Click on Add a new tag    2. Give a name as: Hotelchamp Confirmation Page Script
  3. Under Tag Configuration, choose Custom HTML and paste in your Hotelchamp script. This is the third script that you see under your profile in the platform. Find your scripts here.
  4. As Trigger select Confirmation Page Trigger that you have just created.
  5. Save it and this script is done too!

As a last step, go to "Variables" in your GTM container on the left-hand-side menu. Make sure that "Percent Visible" is selected as "Built-In Variables". If you cannot see it in the list, click on "Configure" and simply select it there.

Publish the changes and that's it, you just implemented the booking engine scripts.

For more questions about this topic, you can ask a question through the Hotelchamp Platform chat or contact [email protected]

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